Jason Cohen
Hi all - I'm not an archaeologist, but I do play one on TV...and I am studying to be one. I love all things archaeology - visiting archaeological sites, working on archaeological sites, writing about archaeology - and I want to share that with as many people as possible. Archaeology has the potential to bring people together through our shared past, build a sense of community, or even help people overcome trauma. Hey, if it keeps you off the streets, that's a win in my book!
My Story
In 2022, I was a successful middle-aged professional, an international management consultant, and previously had been a spy-in-training and White House intern. I was living the high life in Hong Kong...literally. I was probably on an airplane 3-4 times a week for most of my career.
And then the pandemic hit. 3 Years of the pandemic. That followed the most depressing series of elections the democratic world had perhaps ever seen and a string of personal tragedies for me. As the world began to come back to some kind of normal, I knew I couldn't go back to a normal office job - I needed a big change.
So, I did the logical thing: I decided to become an archaeologist. I moved to the UK and signed myself up for an awesome program designed for mid-career professionals looking to shift into archaeology at the University College London (UCL). I began to chronicle my archaeological tourism, scribble down my thoughts on the latest archaeological news and generally talk anyone's ear off I could find - willing or not!
I needed a program. Or, at least an outlet. That's what Into the Dust is - my way of sharing my love for archaeology and hopefully inspiring some aspiring archaeologists to follow in my footsteps or awaken an interest in archaeology within some people who don't even know it's there. After all, that was exactly what happened to me!
So join me as I go...into the dust!
I'm always looking for ways to make the show more interesting. Let's connect.